Babies | Infants

Babies | Infants


Baby is a general term used to refer to humans under the age of four years and can be used in reference to newborns (from birth to 28 days), infants (from birth to 1 year), and toddlers (1 to 4 years). During the first year of life, also known as infancy, a baby develops at an astounding rate, learning how to focus their vision, respond to verbal cues, sit up on their own, and so on. Throughout the toddler stage, babies become much more mobile and independent as they toddle around and begin learning how to speak and socialize.


Throughout time, the care and perception of babies, infants, and toddlers have significantly evolved. In ancient cultures, infant care was often communal, with extended families playing a vital role. The Middle Ages saw a less sentimental view of early childhood, often due to high infant mortality rates. The Renaissance began to celebrate childhood innocence, a theme that grew in the Enlightenment. The Industrial Revolution brought challenges like child labor, leading to reform movements. The 20th century saw a surge in scientific understanding of early childhood development, resulting in improved childcare practices and an increased focus on nurturing and education in these formative years.

Cultural Depiction
Cultural Depiction

In contemporary culture, babies, infants, and toddlers are often depicted as symbols of innocence, potential, and the beginning of life's journey. Media and advertising frequently portray them as sources of joy and renewal, capturing societal optimism. Parenting styles now emphasize nurturing and early education, recognizing the crucial role of these early years in development. Social media has also played a part, with many parents sharing their children's milestones online, reflecting a culture that celebrates and closely documents early childhood. This trend highlights the growing understanding of the importance of early care, emotional bonding, and developmental support in shaping future generations.

Common Questions
Common Questions
What are the developmental milestones for babies, infants, and toddlers?

For babies, infants, and toddlers, key developmental milestones include: at 6 months, sitting without support; around 9 months, crawling; by 12 months, standing with assistance and possibly taking first steps; by 18 months, walking independently; around 2 years, running and starting to climb; and by 3 years, more coordinated running and jumping.

How can you encourage healthy sleep patterns in infants?

To encourage healthy sleep patterns in infants, establish a consistent bedtime routine that includes calming activities like a warm bath and gentle lullabies. Keep the sleep environment quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature. Ensure daytime feeds are frequent, and gradually teach self-soothing by putting the baby to bed drowsy but awake.

How can you ensure safety for babies and toddlers at home?

To ensure safety for babies and toddlers at home, use baby gates to block off stairs, install cabinet locks, and secure heavy furniture to prevent tipping. Cover electrical outlets, keep small objects and toxic substances out of reach, and use corner protectors on sharp edges. Ensure window blind cords are inaccessible, and monitor water temperature during baths to prevent scalding.


* Under Development *

16” | 40.5 cm
2019 (The Mandalorian)
Baby Yoda | Grogu
Baby Yoda | Grogu
5’9” | 1.75 m
Men Holding Babies - Standing
Men Holding Babies - Standing
5’4” | 1.63 m
Women Holding Babies - Standing
Women Holding Babies - Standing